Tabita Fénix
Artist, Investor, Founder & Leader of the Pioneer Movement and Embodiment of the Pioneer Spirit
I Will Matter into Submission as an Art by Co-Creating Pioneer Creations™ aka Timeless Masterpieces.
How? I Don't Help You Manifest Your Dreams.
I Compassionately Kill Your Fears to Co-Create With You a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams.
I Yield Eternal Blessings With the Pioneer Movement for the Resurrection of the Life Force of All Your Relations.
Do You Hear the Call to Step Up as a Pioneer and Elevate Your Legacy to a Timeless Masterpiece?
When Death Visits You
Asking You To Surrender Beyond You
To Stretch Into Timelessness
While Pain Turns Into Limitlessness
Grief Becomes Your Victory
When You Gather The Army
Who Commits To Evolution
For The Highest Good Of Life Itself
So Death Is Giving Rise To Boundless Compassion
Killing Selfish Ways
In Love
With Love
For Love
To Turn Curses Into Eternal Blessings
As The Leaders Of Immortality
The Pioneers Who Gather At The Edge Of Insanity
One Foot In The Visible
Led By the Pioneer Spirit In The Invisible.
- Tabita Fénix
What's next after you've accomplished every dream you've ever had?
What about the moment in life when money is no longer the motivation to keep going because you could retire today without any sacrifices for yourself and your loved ones?
What if nothing you see out there truly ignites that passion and hunger for life that you once had?
How are you responding to that deep calling and the glimpses of a massive expansion rising from within that scares you and leaves you wondering if you are cut out for it?
These were the exact questions I asked myself at 23 years when I went from innocent incarceration for two years in a third-world country where I lost my multiple 6-figure business and every relation near and dear to me as Tabita Dietrich...
and was reborn for 9 years as Tabita Fénix the Founder and Leader of the Pioneer Movement and Embodiment of the Pioneer Spirit aka Fénix.
No matter how successful you are - millions or billions collected - there is this next-level waiting that you won't be able to unlock with more external achievements.
This is your invitation to step up as a PIONEER instead of managing the success and wealth you've accumulated over the years as an expert.
"When life is handing PIONEERS lemons, we don't just make lemonade, we grow a whole forest of lemon trees, so everyone else can make lemonade as well." - Tabita Fénix
That's what I was asked to do upon birthing my lineage as Tabita Fénix by stepping up as a PIONEER to co-create impossible miracles with life while sacrificing my father's legacy and his name Tabita Dietrich.
THIS WOMAN IS ME calling in all PIONEERS like YOU to initiate your own lineage by turning your legacy into IMMORTALITY.
We must sacrifice the comfort zone of a safe relationship with only our soulmate, tribe, and loved ones when our souls die to expand into our essence of life as PIONEERS that is Spirit-led.
Which is what you are facing when you are invited to go deep into the inner realms.
You are called to surrender to this initiation multi-dimensionally as a PIONEER.
This is the whisper you hear to boldly walk into the UNKNOWN to reinvent yourself as a TIMELESS MASTERPIECE to not become a sell-out and sacrifice your life force and your legacy, but it's scary.
Sometimes our people choose the same path and sometimes their souls have a different timeline.
Do you hear the call of your biggest expansion yet to come to claim your own lineage and bring your immortal PIONEER CREATIONS into the world?
PIONEER CREATIONS are TIMELESS MASTERPIECES, not another hit, offer, service or company that only lasts a few years or decades or as long as your fans, community or the marketplace wants it.
Do you accept the responsibility to lead the NEW EARTH as a PIONEER who is co-creating miracles multi-dimensionally that are reflected in all your PIONEER CREATIONS?
Kill yours and everyone else's dreams of who you need to be to keep others comfortable and complacent.
Step up as a PIONEER and reinvent yourself to co-create a life beyond your wildest dreams.
If this is the transition you are facing right now...
My guess is that you can feel and hear your PIONEER CREATIONS roaring inside of you.
This is my invitation to elevate your life and all your creations to TIMELESS MASTERPIECES by turning them into IMMORTAL PIONEER CREATIONS where all of life is effortlessly synchronizing your Ascended Wealth Mastery™.
Do you hear the call to step up as a PIONEER?
Are you listening?
Are you responding?
You either get into the whole self-development and spiritual self-healing community or you turn sh!t into IMMORTAL PIONEER CREATIONS aka Timeless Masterpieces.
The Pioneer Movement supports the second choice.
Because when you make that decision, you have to become self-less not self-ish by only thinking about your well-being and feel-good state.
Your self will call you to surrender to the respons-ibility to take the lemons that life is handing you and instead of making lemonade, you will have to grow a whole forest of lemon trees so everyone else can make lemonade as well. #thatshowpioneersroll
Multi-millions or -billions are not the end of your success and a sign that you've made it.
When you take the red pill instead of the blue pill you'll realize that this is not even close to the resources that this Pioneer Creation requires that is currently knocking at your door with a tiny fraction of the vision.
You either want to stay in this paradigm and your niche/industry and feed your ego to be the go-to expert and be liked and admired by your tribe.
Or you venture into new marketplaces, increase your money 2X to 10X and commit to your IMMORTAL PIONEER CREATIONS while investing yours, your loved ones and employee's money to pay you 4% ROI every month.
We co-create this kind of expansion mentioned above while you are stepping up as a PIONEER who is no longer working hard to maintain the success you have achieved as an expert by staying in your comfort zone...
But who is willing to reassess the kind of impact, legacy and love you want to leave for your tribe, children and this beautiful planet...
and who is not afraid to become the person that people might hate because they can't see the greater good that you are executing while speaking the uncomfortable truth most choose to ignore.
The sacrifice you'll have to make for that is your current version of yourself that is playing it safe and is repeating and doing the same thing to be loved and admired by everyone.
Are you willing to do that?
You need to have your money working for you.
Otherwise you'll be working for money as soon as the euphoria of your enlightened state wears off and reality hits you again
And you simultaneously need to make the internal shift to create for the pure pleasure of creating whatever you choose and not because you need a result or seek external validation.
If your money is not working for you, you need a result because you need money.
As aforementioned, your money needs to work for you, so you no longer need a result.
and seeking others' approval is an emotional process.
No longer seeking external validation but being free to completely express any version of yourself that you desire is what you will embody when you step up as a pioneer.
Because that's when you can shapeshift into anything or anyone at any time without abandoning your true essence - love.
Love for yourself, the people you love, your community and this beautiful planet.
When you do everything in your life or business from that place - your true essence - you literally are free to be and create whatever and whomever you choose for pure pleasure.
I only act and commit to a project, an impossible miracle from the Fénix or any business venture and see it through...
Because I created the freedom within and without and in all my relations and Pioneer Creations to be and do whatever I choose just because it's fun for me and I love to co-create miracles.
This kind of freedom is multi-dimensional. It takes mastery in each area of your life and cultivation with all inner and outer relations to co-create a life beyond your wildest dreams.
instead of RECEIVING a life beyond your wildest dreams UNCONDITIONALLY.
When you have to work on yourself to heal before you can receive what you are supposed to be-come an energetic match for
You can never be the energetic match.
You either step into that "future" version of you NOW and command that past, present and future meet you NOW
Or you keep chasing and therefore won't meet YOU.
It's one decision.
Step up as a PIONEER.
and you receive beyond what you can imagine and have asked for.
But experts want to sell you on the many years it took them to master their craft to make you feel inferior.
PIONEERS are the ones who help you out-success their accomplishments in a much shorter time because they have already paved the way.
They don't need to keep you in the illusion of superiority to boost their ego.
They initiate the courage in you to step up and own your PIONEER BRILLIANCE.
It's why I never support anyone in accomplishing their dreams.
I kill their fears to co-create a life, opportunities and PIONEER CREATIONS beyond their wildest dreams.
Most are too busy chasing shiny objects because they need external validation for their hard work.
This is why they are mostly selling monetary or body image results and make your nervous system go into fight, flight or freeze.
So they can then poke at your pain points and sell their solution to your problems.
Don't you understand that believing the illusion of superiority was the only reason why you perceive problems as such in the first place?
And all because everyone wants you to believe that you need their approval and validation.
When you build a business or career from that place, you always need to exchange value in the marketplace and your pricing or salary will be limited even with premium pricing and being the best in your industry.
At the Pioneer Movement, we elevate all your relations to IMMORTAL PIONEER CREATIONS by calling you to step up as a PIONEER who commits to the Evolution for the HIGHEST GOOD OF ALL RELATIONS.
It requires that you sacrifice your old self that wants to make others feel good and keep them comfortable by
And instead, you compassionately and lovingly kill their demons to help them rise like the Fénix from the ashes to become IMMORTAL.
Because PIONEER CREATIONS require that.
They don't sacrifice their essence to become a sell-out for yours or others' selfish ego.
You will feel…
Because you refuse to empty yourself and sit in the void for “as long as it takes” to be dead by not reacting to external stimulus, desires and timelines of other people...
Until the pulse of raw co-creation informs and instructs you to take the right next step with maximum precision and minimal effort.
You will become a prisoner of your own manifested reality that is always limited by what the mind can dream about.
That’s a predatory playground for the spiritual self-help and personal development industry who is capitalizing on your dreams by making you feel unworthy and not good enough so you try to fix what was never broken
Because they feel threatened by your wild, untamed and w-holy nature.
But you will never come up with the courage to kill your selfish ways by manifesting your will instead of stepping up as a PIONEER to co-create with DIVINE WILL for the Evolution of the Highest Good of All.
You will…
Instead of doing something once like…
Closing a 100K, a million dollar, a 10 million dollar and 100+ million dollar deal once for each of those price tags.
Elevating yourself to a TIMELESS MASTERPIECE that everyone trusts instantly because trust never needs to be earned for those who are trustworthy. They express themselves unapologetically and command every room they walk into.
Refusing to being treated any other way than with respect, commitment and undying loyalty for the expression of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.
This is the moment when you can walk away from a deal worth millions to seize an opportunity that will surpass the impact of your physical lifetime.
Your standard is brilliance, unpredictability and invincibility.
That’s your true expression when you become TIMELESS and operate MULTI-DIMENSIONALLY to co-create the SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECY OF YOUR LIFE AS A PIONEER in the most pleasurable way.
When you embody the PIONEER that no longer seeks external validation there is no value to be exchanged.
You no longer get paid what you are worth because your presence is priceless.
That’s when you choose what you choose simply because you do.
No reason attached other than your desire to elevate your game
Every moment
Every day
It requires that you surrender to YOU - the REAL YOU.
Not the one you can dream about.
If that’s you, Pioneer Movement will support you in this process of death, rebirth and rise to co-create impossible miracles as a PIONEER.
In a nutshell, the multi-dimensional support for every area of your life to co-create with the Ascended Wealth Mastery™ the desired freedom and retire as a millionaire or billionaire in as little as 12 months to take on other world-changing projects or spend more time with your loved ones.
Every scenario that you'll find yourself in when stepping fully into a life of a PIONEER has already been experienced and paved by me Tabita Fénix who is the Founder and Leader of the Pioneer Movement and Embodiment of the Pioneer Spirit aka Fénix. I walked the path you are about to embark on. Every piece of content that you can explore is here to support you in reclaiming your freedom.
When you click the button below the entire training portal to help you step up as a PIONEER is revealed and how I was able to retire in my 30s as a multi-millionaire. You can spend as little as 30 minutes per day for 30 days and co-create a mind-blowing miracle with maximum effectiveness but minimal effort.
Are you looking to invite Tabita Fénix as a speaker for your event, workshop or corporate training seminars? Unfortunately, Tabita Fénix is no longer a public person and does not give any interviews or public speaking engagements.
Are you interested to be personally mentored by Tabita Fénix? Unfortunately, Tabita Fénix is no longer available for personal mentorship. In 2024, she only hosts very few in-person PIONEER RETREATS.
The Pioneer Retreats are only available for men who run a global company with legacy impact and have gone through a massive spiritual awakening or life reset with internal and/or external tribulations that are asking them to reinvent themselves but are afraid that their performance and metrics will suffer if they choose to take some time to focus on their personal evolution.
We partner with pioneering companies and brands to elevate their world-changing mission to a timeless masterpiece by turning them into immortal Pioneer Creations.
We install Pioneer Operations and train Pioneer Teams at 10X profit growth by innovating branding, investing and the company culture for globalization.
We help Pioneer CEO's reduce their work week, exit or sell their companies to retire or start a new beginning.
If this is you, the PIONEER RETREAT will activate, initiate and ascend you to commit to your evolution to change the world for the highest good of all relations instead of staying in your comfort zone and managing your success as an expert in your chosen career or industry.
Do you have more questions, concerns, feedback or an issue you'd like to share with Tabita Fénix and the Pioneer Team? Or are you looking for a workplace in a company culture that will feed your spirit of innovation, dedication and precision?
Please contact us at info(at)pioneer-creations(dot)com for open career opportunities and any questions or concerns you might have.
Tabita Fénix and the Pioneer Team are here to support and bless you eternally!
© Copyright Tabita Fénix | All rights reserved