Turning a Nightmare Into Eternal Blessings

How I not just survived but thrived during two years of innocent incarceration in a 3rd world country


What is the Bestseller Convicted About?

How did I not only survive being innocently incarcerated for two years in a third world country but how do these lessons help YOU to use every single challenge in your life as fuel for massive thriving?

Just imagine you'd spend two years of your life innocently incarcerated in a 3rd world country far away from everyone you love, the successful multiple 6-figure business you built starting from the age of 17 burnt to the ground and living every day with only one goal in mind - thrive don't just survive. 

Two years of:

Eating the same food every day (well not the bread with flies in it, because I certainly didn't eat that)
Being discriminated as one of four white women in a prison with women of colour
Having water to drink that usually I would not even drink on my thirstiest days and sometimes looked worst than my toilet
Being threatened and shouted at every day
Making thriving my one and only priority
Exercising my body with no gym equipment and sometimes little to no food
Feeling like dying for the first three months because my soul literally did die
Spending only 15 min per month on the phone with someone I love
Being allowed to only write two one-page A4 letters

To being extradited and leaving prison in my home country after seven weeks during which my lawyer told me I could be happy if I'd find a job to pack up shelves in a grocery store.

Meanwhile I had worked out an entirely different plan and scheduled the next two weeks after leaving prison to get my things in order.

I officially left my home country two weeks after being released.

Fast forward twelve years...

Retired in my 30's as a multi-millionaire 
Successfully launched multiple international companies
Helped people on all continents 
Spending every day doing whatever I choose for the pure pleasure and not because I chase money or seek external validation
Co-creating & retiring multi-millionaire families to restore the value of the nuclear family by ending money stress
Travelled in a van all around Europe to buy land and real estate to give homeless people and animals a community
Turned pain into eternal blessings with Pioneer Creations ® aka Timeless Masterpieces

All of the above and much more, is shared in detailed lessons inside the national bestseller Convicted. I'd like to invite to go on this journey in your own life so that FREEDOM becomes your reality.

It starts with YOU becoming the person you haven't dared to be. Everything else is a by-product of this decision and your daily actions to follow through on your commitments to your life.

Freedom is one of the hardest paths to walk. I've seen many die in this process - emotionally, mentally and spiritually and yes, some physically.

It's not a path that you want to go alone. It's easy to get lost and caught up in all the shiny objects and distractions and ending up chasing money and external validation.

We are so much more powerful together - rising together with people who have our back and are not afraid to speak the uncomfortable truth we need to hear.

I am here for it. With me, who you see is who I am every single day with every single person no matter if it's a stranger, loved one or business person.

It's that powerful, confident, taking no prisoners and not hiding my truth and fighting for what I believe in that's helped me navigate and accomplish mind-blowing miracles in my life.

According to my lawyer, I should not have accomplished even half of what I did. But I refused to make her judgments my own.

That's what you can do with every so-called opinion about your choices you've ever had to face. Your life is YOURS to live for YOUR HIGHEST GOOD.

If you are in a challenging or maybe even impossible situation in your life, I want you to know, that you are not alone. 

Whatever is happening in your life or the struggles that you might be facing, you have the power to reinvent yourself and create a life that you love.

Convicted is a book that will take you by the hands at exactly where you are at and show you how you can reclaim your power, redirect your focus to what matters most to YOU and fall in love with yourself and your life all over again or maybe for the first time.

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